Absolutely any house can be beautiful. You rent? Live in a plain white box? Have a fixer-upper that hasn't been fixed? Potential!! Don't believe me? Check out the house my husband and I bought in Macon, Georgia. My parents were horrified (which probably added to the charm), particularly considering The Zookeeper (DH) and I never got to set foot in it before we signed on the dotted line (the historical foundation was scared we would fall through the floor).
Awesome--isn't it? Wouldn't you just jump right on it? Why go inside? It MUST be gorgeous.
Below you can see The Zookeeper during one of our "walk-arounds." Notice the temporary wooden steps. We couldn't even get inside at that point to do a "walk-through."
But the key is to see the POTENTIAL. We knew we wanted an old house. This one was built in 1885. It had been broken into apartments in the 1960s, but for the previous seven years, it had been left empty. It was looted, infested by rats and pigeons, and falling apart. But the original tin roof was still in place, which meant the heart-of-pine floors were all salvageable. And it was only $7,000. For the house and land. (Yes, the historical foundation took out a construction loan for reconstruction, but it was still one of the least-expensive homes we have ever purchased--heating and cooling bills, not so much. But that's a different story).
It would be beautiful. We just had to have faith.
A year later, it looked like this:
Let's take a tour of the before and afters, shall we?